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050806102651 108004000
Updated & Expanded 14th Printing by Ludwig Olson
MAUSER BOLT RIFLES is the most complete, precise, authoritative and comprehensive work ever done on Mauser bolt rifles . . . so inclusive that a thorough knowledge of it will make you a Mauser expert in your own right! Within its covers are: Exhaustive data on each development, all specific characteristics, variations, models, innovations, modifications. Countries who made or bought Mausers and their changes and markings. Complete ammo data, ballistics, effectiveness and uses. How to identify details. "How-it-works" drawings/pictures with step-by-step instructions. Foreign and contract rifles. Sporters including Oberndorf and foreign models. Experimental rifles. And, pictures - hundreds of beautifully photographed original rifles, many so rare they are not even in museums, but hidden in the finest private collections. Makes positive identification of valuable collectibles sure and easy. Saves bucks and embarrassment at gun shows and in the shop. There are so many thousands of Mauser rifles in the U.S. that you cannot trade, fix or collect guns without encountering them - making the book an invaluable tool of the trade on your bench or in your library. For, if Mauser made it, designed or developed it - and it was a bolt rifle - it's in the book!372 large-size 8œ" x 11" pages. Over 672 photos, drawings, exploded views, cutaways. Hundreds of charts, spec tables, data tables and symbols. Thoroughly cross-indexed not only by Model, but also by variations, Countries, accessories used and people in Mauser's history. Extensive bibliography, listing all the books, catalogs, articles and foreign sources. Detailed listing of all the people who helped. Everything about Mauser bolt rifles is here - and to know and understand Mauser rifles is to understand all rifles . . . for this is the one they all copied. And, it is all in one magnificent volume.An extremely handsome, lavishly illustrated book. Deluxe hardbound cloth cover. Bound a special way to lie flat. Printed on the finest, dull-finished, coated paper to bring out every minute detail in the photographs and drawings. Extensive use of background color helps highlight many of the precise line drawings. All proof marks and Country marks are shown greatly enlarged for easy, positive identification of those marks on guns. No effort has been spared to be sure that in your gunsmithing, collecting or firearms hobby you can use the book easily - and frequently - confident that MAUSER BOLT RIFLES is the ultimate, encyclopedic source with everything you need right at your fingertips.
(Quantity prices available. Please call or write.)
1049 1049 1 SEK
Produktnr: 108004000
Tillverkarens produktnummer: NONE 050806102651 MAUSER BOLT RIFLES Ă€r det mest kompletta, precisa, auktoritativa och omfattande verket som nĂ„gonsin gjorts om Mausers slutstyckesgevĂ€r... sĂ„ inkluderande att en grundlig kunskap om det kommer att göra dig till en Mauser-expert i egen rĂ€tt! Inom dess omslag finns: Utömmande data om varje utveckling, alla specifika egenskaper, variationer, modeller, innovationer, modifieringar. LĂ€nder som tillverkat eller köpt Mausers och deras förĂ€ndringar och mĂ€rkningar. FullstĂ€ndig ammunitionsinformation, ballistik, effektivitet och anvĂ€ndning. Hur man identifierar detaljer. "Hur-det-fungerar"-ritningar/bilder med steg-för-steg-instruktioner. UtlĂ€ndska och kontraktsgevĂ€r. SportgevĂ€r inklusive Oberndorf och utlĂ€ndska modeller. Experimentella gevĂ€r. Och bilder - hundratals vackert fotograferade originalgevĂ€r, mĂ„nga sĂ„ sĂ€llsynta att de inte ens finns pĂ„ museum, utan gömda i de finaste privata samlingarna. Gör positiv identifiering av vĂ€rdefulla samlarföremĂ„l sĂ€ker och enkel. Sparar pengar och pinsamheter pĂ„ vapenmĂ€ssor och i butiken. Det finns sĂ„ mĂ„nga tusentals Mauser-gevĂ€r i USA att du inte kan handla, reparera eller samla vapen utan att stöta pĂ„ dem - vilket gör boken till ett ovĂ€rderligt verktyg i ditt arbete eller i ditt bibliotek. För om Mauser tillverkade det, designade eller utvecklade det - och det var ett slutstyckesgevĂ€r - sĂ„ Ă€r det med i boken!372 stora sidor i formatet 8Âœ" x 11". Över 672 foton, ritningar, sprĂ€ngskisser, genomskĂ€rningar. Hundratals diagram, specifikationstabeller, datatabeller och symboler. Grundligt korsindexerad inte bara efter modell, men Ă€ven efter variationer, lĂ€nder, anvĂ€nda tillbehör och personer i Mausers historia. Omfattande bibliografi, som listar alla böcker, kataloger, artiklar och utlĂ€ndska kĂ€llor. Detaljerad lista över alla personer som bidragit. Allt om Mausers slutstyckesgevĂ€r finns hĂ€r - och att kĂ€nna till och förstĂ„ Mauser-gevĂ€r Ă€r att förstĂ„ alla gevĂ€r... för detta Ă€r den som alla har kopierat. Och det Ă€r allt i en magnifik volym.En extremt stilig, rikt illustrerad bok. Lyxigt inbunden med tygklĂ€dsel. Bundet pĂ„ ett speciellt sĂ€tt för att ligga platt. Tryckt pĂ„ det finaste, matta, belagda papperet för att framhĂ€va varje liten detalj i fotografierna och ritningarna. Omfattande anvĂ€ndning av bakgrundsfĂ€rg hjĂ€lper till att framhĂ€va mĂ„nga av de precisa linjeritningarna. Alla provmĂ€rken och lĂ€nders mĂ€rken visas starkt förstorade för enkel, positiv identifiering av dessa mĂ€rken pĂ„ vapen. Inget har sparats för att försĂ€kra att du i ditt vapensmide, insamling eller vapenhobby kan anvĂ€nda boken lĂ€tt - och ofta - trygg i vetskapen att MAUSER BOLT RIFLES Ă€r den ultimata, encyklopediska kĂ€llan med allt du behöver direkt till hands.
1049 SEK 2 534 1 049,00 kr *
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar.
Mer Àn 10 st. i centrallagret.
Funktioner: Firearm: Rifle Skill Level: Novice Stil: Reference Guide

Top takeaways

  1. MAUSER BOLT RIFLES Àr en omfattande och auktoritativ guide om Mauser slutstyckesgevÀr, inklusive detaljer om utveckling, specifikationer och variationer.
  2. Boken innehÄller över 672 foton och ritningar samt detaljerade instruktioner och diagram för att identifiera och förstÄ gevÀren.
  3. Denna rikt illustrerade och lyxigt inbundna volym Àr ett ovÀrderligt verktyg för vapenentusiaster, samlare och yrkesverksamma.


Firearm: Rifle Skill Level: Novice Stil: Reference Guide Leveransvikt: 1,542kg Leveranshöjd: 28mm Leveransbredd: 218mm LeveranslÀngd: 279mm UPC : 050806102651

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA

UpptĂ€ck MAUSER BOLT RIFLES 📚, den ultimata guiden för Mauser-gevĂ€r med detaljer, bilder och expertinformation. Bli en Mauser-expert!

Updated & Expanded 14th Printing by Ludwig Olson
MAUSER BOLT RIFLES is the most complete, precise, authoritative and comprehensive work ever done on Mauser bolt rifles . . . so inclusive that a thorough knowledge of it will make you a Mauser expert in your own right! Within its covers are: Exhaustive data on each development, all specific characteristics, variations, models, innovations, modifications. Countries who made or bought Mausers and their changes and markings. Complete ammo data, ballistics, effectiveness and uses. How to identify details. "How-it-works" drawings/pictures with step-by-step instructions. Foreign and contract rifles. Sporters including Oberndorf and foreign models. Experimental rifles. And, pictures - hundreds of beautifully photographed original rifles, many so rare they are not even in museums, but hidden in the finest private collections. Makes positive identification of valuable collectibles sure and easy. Saves bucks and embarrassment at gun shows and in the shop. There are so many thousands of Mauser rifles in the U.S. that you cannot trade, fix or collect guns without encountering them - making the book an invaluable tool of the trade on your bench or in your library. For, if Mauser made it, designed or developed it - and it was a bolt rifle - it's in the book!372 large-size 8œ" x 11" pages. Over 672 photos, drawings, exploded views, cutaways. Hundreds of charts, spec tables, data tables and symbols. Thoroughly cross-indexed not only by Model, but also by variations, Countries, accessories used and people in Mauser's history. Extensive bibliography, listing all the books, catalogs, articles and foreign sources. Detailed listing of all the people who helped. Everything about Mauser bolt rifles is here - and to know and understand Mauser rifles is to understand all rifles . . . for this is the one they all copied. And, it is all in one magnificent volume.An extremely handsome, lavishly illustrated book. Deluxe hardbound cloth cover. Bound a special way to lie flat. Printed on the finest, dull-finished, coated paper to bring out every minute detail in the photographs and drawings. Extensive use of background color helps highlight many of the precise line drawings. All proof marks and Country marks are shown greatly enlarged for easy, positive identification of those marks on guns. No effort has been spared to be sure that in your gunsmithing, collecting or firearms hobby you can use the book easily - and frequently - confident that MAUSER BOLT RIFLES is the ultimate, encyclopedic source with everything you need right at your fingertips.
(Quantity prices available. Please call or write.)
299,00 kr
Slut i lager
799,00 kr