Brownells Sverige - Komplett utbud av laddutrustningar, vapendelar, skyttetillbehör, kulor, hylsor och optik Sverige

Över 300 000 kunder - vi sĂ€ger tack!

40 000+ produkter inom jakt och skytte


Over 1,600 Exploded View Photos, Blueprints, Sketches, Schematic Drawings, Cutaway Photos And Drawings.
By Bob Brownell, 1,066 Pages, 8-œx11 inchesBefore the publication of The Encyclopedia late in 1959, absolutely no service manual encompassing all American-made guns was available for the gunsmith, dealer or hobbyist. What information was to be had, had to be dug out the hard way - and at best it was skimpy. As the guns covered in The Encylopedia get older, the information becomes even more valuable; what little other info was available has long since gone out of print, original manuals have been lost and today's gunsmith might have to pass up repair or restoration work on "Dad's favorite", without The Encylopedia. It answers hundreds (and thousands!) of questions and problems. As so many have told us after getting their copy: "It paid for itself the first day I owned it - just in time saved alone." Here's what you'll find in your Enyclopedia: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUALS - Especially released for The Encyclopedia, they cover base repair and maintenance for the '03 Springfield and later modifications; the 1911 pistol, Remington Models 10 and 11; Winchester Models 12 and 97; Stevens 520/620; Savage 720 and Ithaca 37. All with detailed illustrations and nomenclature lists. NEW GUN INSTRUCTIONS that most manufacturers issue with each new gun, giving assembly and disassembly instructions, PLUS the extensive GUNSMITH MANUALS of Winchester, Remington and Browning up to the date of printing (late 1959). UNUSUAL ILLUSTRATIONS from the files of the manufacturers showing the functioning of many of the guns. Most are no longer available, many were never publicly released. ALL AVAILABLE PARTS ILLUSTRATIONS & LISTS - Many of these are either exploded view or schematic, showing where parts go and in what order they are assembled. "Our illustration is worth 10,000 words!" ILLUSTRATIONS OF ALL NEW GUNS being manufactured in the U.S. as of Jan. 1, 1959, for which information is available . . . complete specifications given on each number and model. DETAILED MEASUREMENTS IN CHART FORM of the thousands of pins, screws, and helical springs shown in all the parts lists. Only those of very unusual construction or function are not shown. This information available in printed form nowhere else in the world. KNOWLEDGE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS  Each manufacturer is grouped alphabetically, starting with Department of Defense Technical Manuals, then Browning, Colt and so on. Each manufacturer is subdivided in the following order: 1. Illustrations and technical data. 2. Where available, illustrations which depict the working parts. 3. Manufacturer's new gun instruction literature. 4. Complete parts lists ('tho parts are now only available from specialty sources and prices aren't current). 5. Parts data pages giving specifications for pins, screws and springs.   If you've ever paid $15 to $35 for a single manual covering one model automobile or one series of technical equipment, you'll be amazed at the vast amount of material for so reasonable a price.
(Quantity prices available. Please call or write.)
1449 1449 1 SEK
Produktnr: 108002001
Tillverkarens produktnummer: NONE Av Bob Brownell, 1 066 sidor, 8-Âœx11 tum. Före publiceringen av The Encyclopedia i slutet av 1959 fanns ingen komplett servicemanual för alla amerikansktillverkade vapen tillgĂ€nglig för vapensmeder, handlare eller hobbyister. Den information som kunde fĂ„s mĂ„ste grĂ€vas fram pĂ„ svĂ„ra vĂ€gar - och i bĂ€sta fall var den knapphĂ€ndig. Eftersom vapnen som tĂ€cks i The Encyclopedia blir Ă€ldre blir informationen Ă€nnu mer vĂ€rdefull; den lilla övriga informationen har sedan lĂ€nge gĂ„tt ur tryck, originalmanualer har gĂ„tt förlorade och dagens vapensmed kan behöva avstĂ„ frĂ„n reparation eller restaurering av "pappas favorit", utan The Encyclopedia. Den besvarar hundratals (och tusentals!) frĂ„gor och problem. Som sĂ„ mĂ„nga har berĂ€ttat för oss efter att ha fĂ„tt sin kopia: "Den betalade för sig sjĂ€lv första dagen jag Ă€gde den - bara i sparad tid." HĂ€r Ă€r vad du hittar i din Encyclopedia: ARMÉNS TEKNISKA MANUALER - Speciellt frislĂ€ppta för The Encyclopedia, de tĂ€cker grundlĂ€ggande reparation och underhĂ„ll för '03 Springfield och senare modifikationer; pistolen 1911, Remington modellerna 10 och 11; Winchester modellerna 12 och 97; Stevens 520/620; Savage 720 och Ithaca 37. Alla med detaljerade illustrationer och nomenklaturlistor. NYA VAPENINSTRUKTIONER som de flesta tillverkare skickar med varje nytt vapen, med instruktioner för montering och demontering, PLUS de omfattande VAPENSMEDSMANUALERNA frĂ„n Winchester, Remington och Browning fram till tryckdatumet (sent 1959). OVANLIGA ILLUSTRATIONER frĂ„n tillverkarnas arkiv som visar funktionen hos mĂ„nga av vapnen. De flesta Ă€r inte lĂ€ngre tillgĂ€ngliga, mĂ„nga har aldrig offentliggjorts. ALLA TILLGÄNGLIGA DELAR ILLUSTRATIONER & LISTOR - MĂ„nga av dessa Ă€r antingen sprĂ€ngskisser eller schematiska, som visar var delar gĂ„r och i vilken ordning de monteras. "VĂ„r illustration Ă€r vĂ€rd 10 000 ord!" ILLUSTRATIONER AV ALLA NYA VAPEN som tillverkades i USA per den 1 januari 1959, för vilka information Ă€r tillgĂ€nglig... kompletta specifikationer ges för varje nummer och modell. DETALJERADE MÅTT I TABELLFORM för de tusentals stift, skruvar och spiral fjĂ€drar som visas i alla delar listor. Endast de med mycket ovanlig konstruktion eller funktion visas inte. Denna information finns inte tillgĂ€nglig i tryckt form nĂ„gon annanstans i vĂ€rlden. KUNSKAP VID DINA FINGERTOPPAR Varje tillverkare Ă€r grupperad alfabetiskt, med början med Försvarsdepartementets Tekniska Manualer, sedan Browning, Colt och sĂ„ vidare. Varje tillverkare Ă€r indelad i följande ordning: 1. Illustrationer och teknisk data. 2. DĂ€r tillgĂ€ngligt, illustrationer som skildrar de fungerande delarna. 3. Tillverkarens nya vapeninstruktionslitteratur. 4. Kompletta delar listor ('Ă€ven om delar nu endast finns tillgĂ€ngliga frĂ„n specialkĂ€llor och priserna inte Ă€r aktuella). 5. Delar data sidor som ger specifikationer för stift, skruvar och fjĂ€drar. Om du nĂ„gonsin har betalat $15 till $35 för en enda manual som tĂ€cker en modell av bil eller en serie teknisk utrustning, kommer du att bli förvĂ„nad över den enorma mĂ€ngden material till ett sĂ„ rimligt pris.
1449 SEK 81 1 449,00 kr *
Levernastid ca. 14-21 dagar.
Mer Àn 10 st. i centrallagret.
Funktioner: Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Stil: Reference Guide

Top takeaways

  1. En omfattande servicemanual för amerikanska vapen, ovÀrderlig för vapensmeder, handlare och hobbyister.
  2. Detaljerade illustrationer, tekniska data och delarlistor för vapen tillverkade fram till 1959.
  3. InnehÄller unika tillverkarinstruktioner och ovanliga illustrationer som inte finns tillgÀngliga nÄgon annanstans.


Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Stil: Reference Guide Leveransvikt: 3,243kg Leveranshöjd: 46mm Leveransbredd: 226mm LeveranslÀngd: 287mm

Produkt detaljer

Tillverkas i USA

UpptĂ€ck Brownells Encyclopedia of Modern Firearms 📚 – en ovĂ€rderlig guide för vapensmeder och entusiaster med detaljerad information och illustrationer.

Over 1,600 Exploded View Photos, Blueprints, Sketches, Schematic Drawings, Cutaway Photos And Drawings.
By Bob Brownell, 1,066 Pages, 8-œx11 inchesBefore the publication of The Encyclopedia late in 1959, absolutely no service manual encompassing all American-made guns was available for the gunsmith, dealer or hobbyist. What information was to be had, had to be dug out the hard way - and at best it was skimpy. As the guns covered in The Encylopedia get older, the information becomes even more valuable; what little other info was available has long since gone out of print, original manuals have been lost and today's gunsmith might have to pass up repair or restoration work on "Dad's favorite", without The Encylopedia. It answers hundreds (and thousands!) of questions and problems. As so many have told us after getting their copy: "It paid for itself the first day I owned it - just in time saved alone." Here's what you'll find in your Enyclopedia: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUALS - Especially released for The Encyclopedia, they cover base repair and maintenance for the '03 Springfield and later modifications; the 1911 pistol, Remington Models 10 and 11; Winchester Models 12 and 97; Stevens 520/620; Savage 720 and Ithaca 37. All with detailed illustrations and nomenclature lists. NEW GUN INSTRUCTIONS that most manufacturers issue with each new gun, giving assembly and disassembly instructions, PLUS the extensive GUNSMITH MANUALS of Winchester, Remington and Browning up to the date of printing (late 1959). UNUSUAL ILLUSTRATIONS from the files of the manufacturers showing the functioning of many of the guns. Most are no longer available, many were never publicly released. ALL AVAILABLE PARTS ILLUSTRATIONS & LISTS - Many of these are either exploded view or schematic, showing where parts go and in what order they are assembled. "Our illustration is worth 10,000 words!" ILLUSTRATIONS OF ALL NEW GUNS being manufactured in the U.S. as of Jan. 1, 1959, for which information is available . . . complete specifications given on each number and model. DETAILED MEASUREMENTS IN CHART FORM of the thousands of pins, screws, and helical springs shown in all the parts lists. Only those of very unusual construction or function are not shown. This information available in printed form nowhere else in the world. KNOWLEDGE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS  Each manufacturer is grouped alphabetically, starting with Department of Defense Technical Manuals, then Browning, Colt and so on. Each manufacturer is subdivided in the following order: 1. Illustrations and technical data. 2. Where available, illustrations which depict the working parts. 3. Manufacturer's new gun instruction literature. 4. Complete parts lists ('tho parts are now only available from specialty sources and prices aren't current). 5. Parts data pages giving specifications for pins, screws and springs.   If you've ever paid $15 to $35 for a single manual covering one model automobile or one series of technical equipment, you'll be amazed at the vast amount of material for so reasonable a price.
(Quantity prices available. Please call or write.)
299,00 kr
Slut i lager
799,00 kr