Synthetic-based metal conditioner provides constant, self-lubricating protection for your metal parts to ensure reliable functioning in extreme conditions. Actually becomes part of the metal; the heat from normal firing of your gun molecularly bonds the material to the gun metal.
SPECS: Available in 1 oz. (29.6 ml) bottle, 4 oz. (118.3 ml) bottle. Cases carry National Stock#’s: 1 oz. (100 bottles), 9150-01-415-9112; 4 oz. (12 bottles), 9150-01-415-9114.
Förhindrar Stopp, Korrosion & Vapenfel
Syntetbaserad metallkonditionerare som ger konstant, självsmörjande skydd för dina metalldelar för att säkerställa tillförlitlig funktion under extrema förhållanden. Blir faktiskt en del av metallen; värmen från normal avfyrning av ditt vapen binder molekylärt materialet till vapenmetallen.
SPECS: Finns i 1 oz. (29,6 ml) flaska, 4 oz. (118,3 ml) flaska. Förpackningar har nationella artikelnummer: 1 oz. (100 flaskor), 9150-01-415-9112; 4 oz. (12 flaskor), 9150-01-415-9114.
Antal betyg: 17
Från 17
Medelbetyg: 4,7
Love in a bottle(2011-05-13)
When my nephew went to Afghanistan I wanted him to have the best gun oil and grease to keep his weapon operating in such a harsh environment. After researching the products available Militec is what I chose. Michael NEVER had a weapon failure on the M-2, M-240 (SAW), or the M1-A4. Love your soldier, send them off with Militec.
Using Militec for almost fifteen years(2011-05-23)
Five years exclusive use on Border Patrol weapons on the hot sandy Tex-Mex Southern border areas. I carried my Militec to the Northern border and it performs excellent in humid summer and sub-zero winter.
Militec appears to dry on the metal. Which is the reason it doesn't attract or allow dust, sand to adhere.
The only lube I use on duty weapons and my personal firearms collection. I use it on everything from little 22's to a 58 caliber black powder rifled musket. USBP Armorer
I wish I had learned of Militec much earlier in my career/life.
Repairs tons of issues(2011-07-16)
Ive used Militec for years. Once weapons are treated with it, I only have to reapply when I clean after shooting. Its great for duty weapons for those cops that dont want to maintain their guns. If they put Militec on when once or twice a year their weapons will function. On our patrol/swat weapons, use of Militec had got alot of these rifles to function properly by bringing them back into time. Other armorers have tried diagnosed all sorts of issues. As soon as I get proper lube with Militec a ton of other issues vanish. If your an armorer or rangemaster, this stuff can cure a lot of your headaches. Once treated, parts clean so much easier.
This is a really good product(2011-09-02)
When I was in Desert Storm we didn't have it, we did when I went to Afghanistan. A good Soldier cleans and oils his rifle every day, with this you only have to dust-off your rifle every week. It also makes for a very quick cleaning job after firing. It was available but not everybody used it and you could see a differnece when you placed those rifles next to each other. Militec donated cases of the stuff to us over there, that's how I first tried it out. I use it on all my personal firearms, except I have to buy it now... (rats!)
Great stuff(2012-01-21)
The stories you hear about how well this stuff works are true. I previously used CLP. It worked okay as a lubricant (better as a cleaner and rust preventative) but not great. The stuff had to be reapplied often to keep it working. Not so with Militec. I've put it on a 1911, a PPK, AR-15, and a Remington shotgun. Major improvement in slickness of the action on all of the above. Even the recoil on the PPK was markedly improved - more like a sewing machine than anything else. Highly recommend this. Note: Do NOT put this on your bolt hold open on your AR-15. I made that mistake, and couldn't even get it to engage manually. That's how slick this stuff is. A little scrubbing with the cleaning rag and it was back to normal.
GREAT Product(2012-01-22)
I really love this product. I use it all the time. We used this product in IRAQ in the 1st Infantry Div. It proved to withstand the harsh environment there, and here in the states! I use it on all of my guns and in cleaning of my CUSTOMER guns as well.
A decent lubricant but that is all. The claims of preventing rust have been proven to be false, probably from the chlorine content they claim isn't in it. A great EP additive, a pathetic rust preventative (actually causes rust). Doesn't prevent or reduce fouling buildup like they claim. Doesn't eliminate the need for a CLP or solvent for cleaning like they claim. It's just a decent oil base. Perhaps a little thicker than CLP, but then you'd be better off with Break Free LP, or Tetra, or SLIP 2000, or TW-25b, or 10W40. Whether applied then the gun fired to heat it up, or applied then a heat gun used, it doesn't work as claimed. It's been rejected multiple times by the military, starting in the 80's by the USMC when it was marketed as an engine oil additive.
Works great(2012-09-20)
Switched from a CLP product to Militec and have noticed a much better reliability of my Ruger MKII rimfire auto-pistols. I use it on all my guns now for lubricating them. For a wipe-down after a day of handling them I use an oily rag
Simply the best(2013-01-28)
I only use this product on my guns makes all auto and bolt actions like silk
Best oil(2009-08-05)
Works as advertised, doesn't gum up on your gun. Attracts very little dust and protests against rust extremely well. You don't have to use as much as other oils since it bonds with the metal. It stays were you put it and it doesn't smear off on your hands. Best gun oil I have ever used.
Best Gun oil ever(2010-01-06)
I have used this oil when I went to Iraq and it did not collect as much sand as regular clp did. My weapons always functioned flawlessly over there. I use this oil on all of my firearms at home.
Awesome product, combat proven!(2010-04-26)
I used this lube on my m2, m249, & m240 while I was in Iraq. Clean the metal well, then apply. Didnt collect dust like clp did. In rapid fire mode, aka firefight, the oil doesnt burn off and make it hard to breathe like clp does either. This stuff is the greatest lube ever!!!
Simply The Best(2010-05-17)
Started using the stuff in Iraq in 2005. Clean surfaces well, then apply. Doesn't burn off ever. Doesn't collect dust (unlike CLP). Never seems to dry out or gum up. Used it in my M9, M16, M240. Now as a police officer, I use it in my duty 1911, backup .38+p, and the rest of my collection. I also use it in my Camaro's engine, transmission, differential as well as anywhere else there is metal-metal contact.
If I had to choose one stand alone lube for the rest of my life, Militec-1 could be it.
Outperforms CLP(2010-11-22)
As others have done, I too took my own lube and cleaning gear on my deployments. Militec outperformed CLP and the stuff the British troops were using. Never had gun problems during my Iraq or Afghanistan tours. I now use it for lubing student's guns before the range exercises begin. The Militec website has good directions on how to use this product and following the directions improves an already great lube.
Fantastic lube, well worth the price!(2011-10-13)
This stuff is absolutely amazing! Where other brand I have tried held dirt and grime on this gun, this did not. It's worth the price, believe me!
Militec is the best(2014-01-13)
I have used this product for years. I really think it does what is described. It bonds with the metal and creates a very reliable firearm that is also easy to clean.
An outstanding lubrication(2011-01-20)
I have been using Militec on my firearms for years, but my massive bottle got progressively harder and harder to store and use, due to it leaking around the seams constantly.
Enter in the smaller bottles! Easy to apply, easy to store, and no leakage... combined with one of the better firearm lubricants I have found, you cannot beat this.
Produktnr: 100001421 MILITEC NEEDLE APPLICATOR Tillverkarens produktnummer: NONE Syntetbaserad metallkonditionerare som ger konstant, självsmörjande skydd för dina metalldelar för att säkerställa tillförlitlig funktion under extrema förhållanden. Blir faktiskt en del av metallen; värmen från normal avfyrning av ditt vapen binder molekylärt materialet till vapenmetallen.
239SEK40239,00 kr
Leveranstid ca. 14-21 dagar. Mer än 10 st. i centrallagret.
Synthetic-based metal conditioner provides constant, self-lubricating protection for your metal parts to ensure reliable functioning in extreme conditions. Actually becomes part of the metal; the heat from normal firing of your gun molecularly bonds the material to the gun metal.
SPECS: Available in 1 oz. (29.6 ml) bottle, 4 oz. (118.3 ml) bottle. Cases carry National Stock#’s: 1 oz. (100 bottles), 9150-01-415-9112; 4 oz. (12 bottles), 9150-01-415-9114.
Förhindrar Stopp, Korrosion & Vapenfel
Syntetbaserad metallkonditionerare som ger konstant, självsmörjande skydd för dina metalldelar för att säkerställa tillförlitlig funktion under extrema förhållanden. Blir faktiskt en del av metallen; värmen från normal avfyrning av ditt vapen binder molekylärt materialet till vapenmetallen.
SPECS: Finns i 1 oz. (29,6 ml) flaska, 4 oz. (118,3 ml) flaska. Förpackningar har nationella artikelnummer: 1 oz. (100 flaskor), 9150-01-415-9112; 4 oz. (12 flaskor), 9150-01-415-9114.
Antal betyg: 17
Från 17
Medelbetyg: 4,7
Love in a bottle(2011-05-13)
When my nephew went to Afghanistan I wanted him to have the best gun oil and grease to keep his weapon operating in such a harsh environment. After researching the products available Militec is what I chose. Michael NEVER had a weapon failure on the M-2, M-240 (SAW), or the M1-A4. Love your soldier, send them off with Militec.
Using Militec for almost fifteen years(2011-05-23)
Five years exclusive use on Border Patrol weapons on the hot sandy Tex-Mex Southern border areas. I carried my Militec to the Northern border and it performs excellent in humid summer and sub-zero winter.
Militec appears to dry on the metal. Which is the reason it doesn't attract or allow dust, sand to adhere.
The only lube I use on duty weapons and my personal firearms collection. I use it on everything from little 22's to a 58 caliber black powder rifled musket. USBP Armorer
I wish I had learned of Militec much earlier in my career/life.
Repairs tons of issues(2011-07-16)
Ive used Militec for years. Once weapons are treated with it, I only have to reapply when I clean after shooting. Its great for duty weapons for those cops that dont want to maintain their guns. If they put Militec on when once or twice a year their weapons will function. On our patrol/swat weapons, use of Militec had got alot of these rifles to function properly by bringing them back into time. Other armorers have tried diagnosed all sorts of issues. As soon as I get proper lube with Militec a ton of other issues vanish. If your an armorer or rangemaster, this stuff can cure a lot of your headaches. Once treated, parts clean so much easier.
This is a really good product(2011-09-02)
When I was in Desert Storm we didn't have it, we did when I went to Afghanistan. A good Soldier cleans and oils his rifle every day, with this you only have to dust-off your rifle every week. It also makes for a very quick cleaning job after firing. It was available but not everybody used it and you could see a differnece when you placed those rifles next to each other. Militec donated cases of the stuff to us over there, that's how I first tried it out. I use it on all my personal firearms, except I have to buy it now... (rats!)
Great stuff(2012-01-21)
The stories you hear about how well this stuff works are true. I previously used CLP. It worked okay as a lubricant (better as a cleaner and rust preventative) but not great. The stuff had to be reapplied often to keep it working. Not so with Militec. I've put it on a 1911, a PPK, AR-15, and a Remington shotgun. Major improvement in slickness of the action on all of the above. Even the recoil on the PPK was markedly improved - more like a sewing machine than anything else. Highly recommend this. Note: Do NOT put this on your bolt hold open on your AR-15. I made that mistake, and couldn't even get it to engage manually. That's how slick this stuff is. A little scrubbing with the cleaning rag and it was back to normal.
GREAT Product(2012-01-22)
I really love this product. I use it all the time. We used this product in IRAQ in the 1st Infantry Div. It proved to withstand the harsh environment there, and here in the states! I use it on all of my guns and in cleaning of my CUSTOMER guns as well.
A decent lubricant but that is all. The claims of preventing rust have been proven to be false, probably from the chlorine content they claim isn't in it. A great EP additive, a pathetic rust preventative (actually causes rust). Doesn't prevent or reduce fouling buildup like they claim. Doesn't eliminate the need for a CLP or solvent for cleaning like they claim. It's just a decent oil base. Perhaps a little thicker than CLP, but then you'd be better off with Break Free LP, or Tetra, or SLIP 2000, or TW-25b, or 10W40. Whether applied then the gun fired to heat it up, or applied then a heat gun used, it doesn't work as claimed. It's been rejected multiple times by the military, starting in the 80's by the USMC when it was marketed as an engine oil additive.
Works great(2012-09-20)
Switched from a CLP product to Militec and have noticed a much better reliability of my Ruger MKII rimfire auto-pistols. I use it on all my guns now for lubricating them. For a wipe-down after a day of handling them I use an oily rag
Simply the best(2013-01-28)
I only use this product on my guns makes all auto and bolt actions like silk
Best oil(2009-08-05)
Works as advertised, doesn't gum up on your gun. Attracts very little dust and protests against rust extremely well. You don't have to use as much as other oils since it bonds with the metal. It stays were you put it and it doesn't smear off on your hands. Best gun oil I have ever used.
Best Gun oil ever(2010-01-06)
I have used this oil when I went to Iraq and it did not collect as much sand as regular clp did. My weapons always functioned flawlessly over there. I use this oil on all of my firearms at home.
Awesome product, combat proven!(2010-04-26)
I used this lube on my m2, m249, & m240 while I was in Iraq. Clean the metal well, then apply. Didnt collect dust like clp did. In rapid fire mode, aka firefight, the oil doesnt burn off and make it hard to breathe like clp does either. This stuff is the greatest lube ever!!!
Simply The Best(2010-05-17)
Started using the stuff in Iraq in 2005. Clean surfaces well, then apply. Doesn't burn off ever. Doesn't collect dust (unlike CLP). Never seems to dry out or gum up. Used it in my M9, M16, M240. Now as a police officer, I use it in my duty 1911, backup .38+p, and the rest of my collection. I also use it in my Camaro's engine, transmission, differential as well as anywhere else there is metal-metal contact.
If I had to choose one stand alone lube for the rest of my life, Militec-1 could be it.
Outperforms CLP(2010-11-22)
As others have done, I too took my own lube and cleaning gear on my deployments. Militec outperformed CLP and the stuff the British troops were using. Never had gun problems during my Iraq or Afghanistan tours. I now use it for lubing student's guns before the range exercises begin. The Militec website has good directions on how to use this product and following the directions improves an already great lube.
Fantastic lube, well worth the price!(2011-10-13)
This stuff is absolutely amazing! Where other brand I have tried held dirt and grime on this gun, this did not. It's worth the price, believe me!
Militec is the best(2014-01-13)
I have used this product for years. I really think it does what is described. It bonds with the metal and creates a very reliable firearm that is also easy to clean.
An outstanding lubrication(2011-01-20)
I have been using Militec on my firearms for years, but my massive bottle got progressively harder and harder to store and use, due to it leaking around the seams constantly.
Enter in the smaller bottles! Easy to apply, easy to store, and no leakage... combined with one of the better firearm lubricants I have found, you cannot beat this.